
Droid Rage - Megathruster

Everything is a Spirit Halloween - Megathruster

A Harvest Festival is Not Halloween! - A Megathruster Protest Song

Ghost Train - Megathruster

Christmas Coffee - Megathruster (Audio)

Megathruster's Very First TV Special!

Bumblebee (Live at Kracklefest 9) - Megathruster

Weird Al Rules - Megathruster

Sweet Costumes - Megathruster

It's Rough to be a Hufflepuff - Megathruster

Settlers of My Pants (Live) - Megathruster

Million Dollar Space Yacht - Megathruster

With Love, From Starkiller Base (A STAR WARS Love Song) - Megathruster

Wands at the Ready - Megathruster

Never Too Early - Megathruster