First, we are excited to put up a brand new song on The FuMP entitled “Super Duper Con”:
We hope you have never experienced anything like stuff in that song. We certainly did not when we attended Gen Con this month. What a blast! We want to give a HUGE thanks to everyone who stopped by and talked to us at the Worldbuilders booth on Saturday and who came out to see our performance later that night. The whole weekend was such a great time. Chris doesn’t quite know how he was able to get all the board games he bought back home along with his bass, but he made it. Joel’s quest to get home is a whole other story maybe he will share on stage some day. Let’s just say he is now intimately familiar with the Denver airport now.
Next up, we are extremely excited and honored to be the musical guests on The Doubleclicks Variety Show this Thursday:
It should be a ton of nerdy fun! Then the next day we head out to FuMPFeST in Chicago for a set on Saturday afternoon:
It’s going to be a weekend filled with nerdy musical comedy. If you are going, please say hi! Also, we may have the first Megathruster shirts for sale there!